Proponents argue that this strategy would bolster national security by minimizing the risk of potential terrorists entering the country. Enhanced screening processes, once implemented, would provide a more thorough assessment of applicants, reducing the likelihood of malicious actors gaining entry. Critics argue that such a policy might inadvertently promote discrimination by broadly categorizing individuals based on their nation of origin rather than specific, credible threat intelligence. It may strain diplomatic relations with the affected countries and potentially harm the perception of the nation enacting the ban, being seen as hostile or prejudiced towards certain international communities. Additionally, genuine refugees fleeing terrorism or persecution in their home countries might be unjustly denied safe haven.
Narrow down the conversation to these participants:
No, there should be a screening process for all immigrants, not just Muslims to decide if they are a threat to anyone, anything or national security. Bans should only arise if there is a potential threat from a individual.
yes because we would be weeding out terrorist and no because it would be considered a race crime.
All non-Christian, homosexual and transgender immigrants should be banned from entering the country indefinitely.
We should prioritize Christians.
Yes, only let in a small amount of families.
We should allow Afghan citizens to come in during this trying time, but ban others for a limited time.
No, the CIA and FBI's work is all gross. 9/11 was an inside job.
No, but we should be helping our citizens first.
No, they shouldn't be banned immediately based on their religion, but there should be a screening process for all immigrants, not just Muslims to decide if they are a threat to anyone, anything or national security. Bans should only arise if there is a potential threat from a individual.
Yes, we need to be helping our poor citizens before letting in more immigrants.
Yes, there should be a limit. We need to be helping the poor first.
Yes, there should be a limit while we help out our poor citizens first.
Yes, there should be a limit. We need to be helping our poor first.
No, but there should be a screening process for all immigrants, not just Muslims to decide if they are a threat to anyone, anything or national security. Bans should only arise if there is a potential threat from a individual.
No, banning immigrants based on their religion is unconstitutional. There should be free zones in middle eastern countries instead of allowing so much people in. We need to be helping out our homeless citizens first.
I want a general ban or a limitation on the immigration into the country. We should and need to be helping the poor, homeless, and sick before letting in more people.
We should be helping out the homeless and lower class citizens of our nation before letting in people.
We need to be protecting our citizens before letting in others.
Make safe zones in their country of origin so they do not need to migrate.
No, but we do need to improve our screen process and add methods to easily deport due to criminality or risk.
No, they shouldn't be banned immediately based on their religion, and there should be a screening process for all immigrants, not just Muslims to decide if they are a threat to anyone, anything or national security. Bans should only arise if there is a potential threat from a individual.
No, they shouldn't be banned immediately based on their religion. There should be a screening process for all immigrants, not just Muslims to decide if they are a threat to anyone, anything or national security. Bans should only arise if there is a potential threat from a individual.
No. We are already good at screening legal immigrants.
No, anyone that truly want to be free should be able to apply to become a citizen. But a thorough vetting on any immigrant needs to be implemented.
No, however ban all immigration until the government improves its screening process
Yes but we need to keep improving the screening process.
It's wrong to ban immigrants based on their religion, but immigrants from "high risk" countries should be banned.
No, but work to perfect the screening process of Immigrants so we can remain safe.
No, because Muslims are peaceful and people wrongfully accuse them to bring terrorists. Islam is a religion of peace.
Muslims who are not liberal*, secular, heterosexual or asexual, centrist or rightist, religiously tolerant, and monogamist should not be allowed to enter the U.S.
* liberal (liberal Muslims as in Muslims who are more open minded about their sons & daughters marrying non-Muslims (e.g. Christians) or even converting to Christianity upon their marriage to their non-Muslim spouse (e.g. the first lady of Argentina who converted to Roman Catholicism from Islam, where she stated in an interview with La Nación newspaper in 2012, that her father is a liberal Muslim who did not object to one of Juliana's sisters marrying a Christian and the other a Jew), secular, pro-gender equality, pro-democracy, pro-Israel, pro-west/westernized and religiously tolerant
Yes. We must ensure that our screening process can improve to ensure that terrorism cannot enter the country before reaccepting Muslim immigrants.
No, banning immigrants based on their religion is unconstitutional, but we should do background checks on immigrants from “high risk” countries, just in case
No, banning immigrants based on their religion is unconstitutional. However, immigrants from “high risk” countries should be allowed entry too, but only after extensive background checks and continuous monitoring to ensure they have no terrorist connections.
No but with anyone wanting to be a citizen, it absolutely should be the governments job to make sure they will not be a harm to its citizens.
Any immigrant from around the world should not be allowed into the US until extensive background checks are carried out
make sure they are not a thereat to national security
This should apply to ALL IMMIGRATION.
No, but have background checks to Muslims from "high risk" countries
No, because I don’t believe such a policy can successfully avoid also unfairly restricting those who wish to leave that religion.
No - We should completely reform our LEGAL immigration process, improving our security measures, increasing the efficiency, decreasing the cost for LEGAL immigrants, and increasing the number of immigrants.
Maybe, if the geopolitical climate is increasingly terroristic and unstable-e.g., Trump's reasoning for the temporary shutdown in December.
No. This is totally unconstitutional.
Immigrants should not be "banned", but a thorough search should be done.
We should do extensive checks to make sure immigrants are loyal to the U.S and not to terrorist groups
No, not until we fix airport, and border security and checks
No, but immigrants from "high risk" countries should have thorough background checks completed to screen out potential acts of terrorism, regardless of race or religion
No, but immigrants from "high risk" countries should have thorough background checks completed before entering our country.
I think that as people shouldn't be banned based on religion, but they should background and safety checks on them.
No, but we should preform a background check on incoming immigrants.
we should just improve our screening processes
No, but apply strict background checks on them
No, we should aggressively vet every immigrant. Religion is irrelevant.
Yes, and improve our screening process.
Yes, and ban all immigration for 25 years
No but background checks should be required
No, but thorough background checks on all immigrants from all countries must be made to ensure that they do not have ties with terrorist organizations.
No, banning immigrants based on their religion is unconstitutional, but we should improve our ability to screen out potential terrorists
No, banning immigrants based on their religion is unconstitutional but background checks need to be enacted.
no, but a background check and extra checks on all immigrants could keep this country safe
No, banning anyone based on who they are, what they believe in, and what they have done in the past is against the teachings of Jesus Christ
only if they are convicted of a crime
No, but extra scrutiny should be given Muslin immigrants.
Yes only ban them if they have a history and loyality with terrorist groups now if they don,t have a history or loyality with the terrorist groups they can come in legally and clean with a new fresh start as a new america.
Yes Only if they pose a threat to our Country other than that they should mind their own business.
Yes, during a 10 to 15 year immigration moritorium, reforms to our screening process should be made, especially toward muslim immigrants. We should not welcome those who import their culture into ours and drastically change the face of America. Assimilation should be mandatory for these kind of immigrants.
not ban immigrants from “high risk” countries, but have security be more cautious
no , unless there is suspicious activity in their background check
No we shouldn't ban them we should just do a test from "high risk" countries I guess.
No, but we should keep them under high watch and criminal activities and relations to terrorist
We need to be helping the poor in our country before letting in so much people.
No, but take greater steps to screen them before they are able to enter further into the interior of the US
Yes, make safe zones in their countries so they don't destroy ours.
No, make safe zones in their countries so they don't destroy ours.
No, but if they are from high risk countries be sure to be more thorough in checking them.
Yes, there should be a limit.
Yes, as well as all other immigrants
No, but we should be helping our homeless first.
Yes we should ban it until we have more ability to guarantee who they are and if they have no proof of identity they should not be allowed in the country.
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