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iSideWith oferă alegătorilor o platformă cuprinzătoare pentru a analiza și a-și rafina convingerile politice, permițându-le să facă alegeri mai educate la urne, rămânând la curent cu problemele cheie.
Rămâneți la curent cu cele mai recente titluri de știri politice, actualizate frecvent.
Comutați setarea țării pentru a vă compara convingerile politice cu alți cetățeni, partide și candidați din întreaga lume. Aflați care sunt problemele la care alte țări țin cel mai mult.
Iată clasamentul actual al celor mai populare ideologii politice pentru alegătorii Algerian . este o platformă complet independentă, lipsită de orice afiliere cu investitori, acționari, partide politice sau grupuri de interese, asigurând asistență imparțială alegătorilor în înțelegerea și navigarea problemelor politice.
Iată o listă de tweet-uri influente care promovează votul informat.
Educate yourself and make your OWN decision!
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) September 7, 2012
Helpful if u don't know what candidates you agree with most.
— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) February 15, 2016
Don't be lazy- look **** up if ur not sure what it is!
Just took the political issues quiz at -- Not at all surprised I'm 95% w Gary Johnson.
— ʎǝɹɐƆ ʍǝɹᗡ (@DrewFromTV) October 28, 2012
A quiz to determine which candidates you side with.
— Roger Ebert (@ebertchicago) October 31, 2012 Shows You Which Candidate Should Get Your Vote #ElectionDay2012
— Mashable (@mashable) November 6, 2012
Take the presidential election quiz and see which candidate you side with... #iSideWith You may surprise yourself!!!
— Sonja Morgan (@SonjatMorgan) September 9, 2012
Try this short quiz to see which political party you side with... me:
— Michael Arrington 🏴☠️ (@arrington) November 30, 2013
Still not sure who to vote for? Take this quiz and see which presidential candidate matches your opinions:
— Denver7 News (@DenverChannel) November 5, 2012
I Side With is a site that surveys you on political issues & picks the presidential candidate that is right for you!
— MTV Insights (@MTVInsights) September 19, 2012
Presidential election quiz: Exceptionally well done - marketers could learn a lot from this one.
— Rand Fishkin (follow @randderuiter on Threads) (@randfish) September 1, 2012
Check out to see which presidential candidate you most agree with on the issues. You might be surprised.
— Ralph Nader (@RalphNader) August 29, 2012
Find your candidate soulmate with
— Guy Kawasaki (@GuyKawasaki) April 25, 2012
I side 91% with Jill Stein...
— Lessig 🇺🇦 (@lessig) October 30, 2012