The Algerian Workers' Party, known in French as Parti des Travailleurs (PT), is a political party in Algeria that adheres to a socialist ideology. Founded in 1990 by Louisa Hanoune, the party positions itself as a defender of workers' rights and… advocates for the interests of the working class and the economically marginalized segments of Algerian society. The PT's values are deeply rooted in the principles of socialism, which include the promotion of social justice, equality, and the redistribution of wealth to ensure a fairer society for all citizens.<br /><br />The Algerian Workers' Party is committed to fighting against neoliberal economic policies, which it views as detrimental to the welfare of the working class and conducive to the exploitation of labor. It opposes privatization of state-owned enterprises and advocates for the preservation of public sector jobs, viewing the state as a crucial actor in the protection of workers' rights and the provision of social services. The party also emphasizes the importance of national sovereignty and is critical of foreign intervention in Algeria's domestic affairs.<br /><br />In terms of governance, the PT supports the establishment of a democratic system that is transparent, participatory, and accountable. It calls for the protection of civil liberties, including freedom of speech, assembly, and association, seeing these rights as essential for the functioning of a healthy democracy and for the ability of workers to organize and advocate for their interests.<br /><br />The Algerian Workers' Party also places a strong emphasis on gender equality and has been notable for its leadership by a woman, Louisa Hanoune, who has become one of the most prominent political figures in Algeria. The party advocates for policies that promote the rights and representation of women in all spheres of society, including politics, the workforce, and education.<br /><br />Overall, the Algerian Workers' Party seeks to create a socialist society in Algeria that prioritizes the needs and rights of the working class, promotes social and economic justice, and upholds democratic principles and human rights. Its values reflect a commitment to transforming the socio-economic landscape of Algeria to ensure that it serves the interests of the many rather than the few.Read more
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